Tuiuiu SOAP



Submitter / Source:
anthony.bretaudeau (7 months ago)

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Documentation URL(s): anthony.bretaudeau (7 months ago);=TUIUIU

Login to add a documentation URL Description(s): anthony.bretaudeau (7 months ago)Tuiuiu removes from a sequence or from a set of sequences areas as large as possible that do not contain researched repeats.

Tuiuiu is used as a preliminary step before applying a multiple local aligner tool.

–excellent|–good : algorithm used (default is excellent)
–mono|–multi : number of sequences (default is multi)
-w value : length of the window (default 100)
-e value : number of errors (substitutions, insertions and deletions) between two windows (default 12)
-r value : number of window searched (default 8)
-k value : length of the k-mers (default 6 decreasing to a good threshold)
-c : ask to check direct AND reverse complement strands
-N {0 1 2} :
2: Write Ns instead of filtered nucleotides, (default)
1: Concatenate concerved fragments, separated with one ‘N’
0: Concatenate concerved fragments

Login to add a description License(s): None Login to add license info Cost: anthony.bretaudeau (7 months ago)free

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Login to add contact info Publications: for this service. This can be a URI to the publication and/or a DOI. anthony.bretaudeau (7 months ago)P. Peterlongo, G. Sacomoto, A. Pereira do Lago, N. Pisanti, M.-F. Sagot Lossless filter for multiple repeats with bounded edit distance
BMC Algorithms for Molecular Biology 2009, 4:3 doi:10.1186/1748-7188-4-3

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