Center for Biological Sequence Analysis (CBS)
SeekDa (over 11 years ago)
Base URL: for details. WEB SERVICE OPERATION This Web Service is fully asynchronous; the usage is split into the following three operations: 1. runService Input:The following parameters and data: * ‘organism’ – organism type of the input sequences “euk” eukaryotes “gram-” Gram-negative prokaryotes “gram+” Gram-positive prokaryotes * ‘method’ – prediction method “nn” neural network only “hmm” hidden Markov models only “nn+hmm” both methods (the default) * ‘sequences’ – protein sequences, with unique identifiers The sequences must be written using the one letter amino acid code: `acdefghiklmnpqrstvwy’ or `ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY’. Other letters will be converted to `X’ and treated as unknown amino acids. Other symbols, such as whitespace and numbers, will be ignored. All the input sequences are truncated to 70 aa from the N-terminal. At most 2,000 sequences and 200,000 amino acids per submission; each sequence not more than 6,000 amino acids. Output: Unique job identifier 2. pollQueue Input:Unique job identifier Output: ‘jobstatus’ – the status of the job Possible values are QUEUED, ACTIVE, FINISHED, WAITING, REJECTED, UNKNOWN JOBID or QUEUE DOWN 3. fetchResult Input:Unique job identifier of a finished job Output: ‘output’ – prediction results For each input residue a record is output consisting of the following fields: seqname sequence name source “signalp-3.0-nn” or “signalp-3.0-hmm” (fixed string) feature “signal” (fixed string) start,end predicted position of the signal peptide in the sequence (0-0 is no peptide is predicted) score prediction score (D score, see the article) strand,frame N/A comment answer (“Y” or “S” for yes, “n” or “Q” for no) CONTACT Questions concerning the scientific aspects of the SignalP method should go to Henrik Nielsen,; technical question concerning the Web Service should go to Peter Fischer Hallin, or Kristoffer Rapacki,
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