This looks like a BioMoby service. We are working on providing better support and documentation for BioMoby services.
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About BioMoby
BioMoby is a way of making services much easier to use and work better together using an ontology-based messaging standard.
Future releases of the BioCatalogue will provide improved support for BioMoby services, including harvesting descriptions and info from the BioMoby registry.
Further documentation can be found here
University of Wageningen
SeekDa (over 11 years ago)
Base URL:
WSDL Location: last cached WSDL file)
Documentation URL(s): None Login to add a documentation URL Description(s): from provider’s description doc (over 10 years ago) Authority: – Synchronous BioMOBY service for gene symbol disambiguation. If a gene symbol is ambiguous this service uses GeneIlluminator to create clusters describing which different genes sharing the same symbol exist in different parts of the tree of life. It then assigns the gene input symbol for the given input organism to one of the clusters. Finally, using the cluster characteristics it creates a boolean PubMed query that could be used to unambiguously retrieve documents related to the gene from the cluster the input gene symbol was assigned to.
Login to add a description ELIXIR Description(s): No info yet Login to add an elixir description License(s): No info yet Login to add license info Cost: No info yet Login to add cost info Usage conditions: No info yet Login to add usage conditions info Contact info: No info yet Login to add contact info How to cite this service: No info yet Login to add how to cite info Publications about this service: for this service (this can be in a common citation format like Bibtex, MLA or APA, a DOI, a URL, etc.) No info yet Login to add publications info Citations of this service: No info yet Login to add citations info Example workflows using this service: See all workflows on myExperiment that use this service Login to add workflows info