Displaying all 6 services
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 19 hours ago
This Web Service connects to the Banana module of the TropGene database (http://tropgenedb.cirad.fr). We annotated the input and output with ontological terms of the GCP Domain Model Ontology (http://cropontology.org/). For given study names (GCP_Study)
Provider: gohelle-cirad-fr WSDL Location: http://gohelle.cirad.fr:8080/BioSemantic_webapp/services/get_medoc_TROPGENE_BANANA_GCP_Study_GCP_GenomicFeatureDetector?wsdl
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 19 hours ago
This Web Service connects to the Rice module of the TropGene database (http://tropgenedb.cirad.fr). We annotated the input and output with ontological terms of the GCP Domain Model Ontology (http://cropontology.org/). For given germplasms (GCP_Germplasm)
Provider: gohelle-cirad-fr WSDL Location: http://gohelle.cirad.fr:8080/BioSemantic_webapp/services/get_medoc_TROPGENE_RICE_GCP_Germplasm_GCP_Study?wsdl
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 19 hours ago
This Web Service connects to the Rice module of the TropGene database (http://tropgenedb.cirad.fr). We annotated the input and output with ontological terms of the GCP Domain Model Ontology (http://cropontology.org/). For given study names (GCP_Study) w
Provider: gohelle-cirad-fr WSDL Location: http://gohelle.cirad.fr:8080/BioSemantic_webapp/services/get_medoc_TROPGENE_RICE_GCP_Study_GCP_Germplasm?wsdl
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 19 hours ago
This Web Service connects to the Rice module of the TropGene database (http://tropgenedb.cirad.fr). We annotated the input and output with ontological terms of the GCP Domain Model Ontology (http://cropontology.org/). For given study names (GCP_Study)
Provider: gohelle-cirad-fr WSDL Location: http://gohelle.cirad.fr:8080/BioSemantic_webapp/services/get_medoc_TROPGENE_RICE_GCP_Study_GCP_GenomicFeatureDetector?wsdl
WSDL Location: http://gohelle.cirad.fr:8080/testWS/services/GetTropgeneMarkerSPARQL?wsdl
WARNING Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
Last checked: today about 19 hours ago |
takes as input the name of a RICE genotyping study and return all the names of the corresponding DNA samples.
Provider: gohelle-cirad-fr WSDL Location: http://gohelle.cirad.fr:8080/testWS/services/GetTropgeneDnaSampleSPARQL?wsdl