Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Coiled coil region prediction.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://inb.bsc.es/wsdl/runEmbossPepcoilFromSequence.wsdl
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Predicts the site of cleavage between a signal sequence and the mature exported protein.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://inb.bsc.es/wsdl/runEmbossSigcleaveFromSequence.wsdl
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Compares a nucleotide query sequence translated in all reading frames against a protein sequence database and calculates the statistical significance of matches using the Basic Local Alignment Tool (BLAST).
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://inb.bsc.es/wsdl/runNCBIBlastx.wsdl
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Compares a protein sequence against a protein database and calculates the statistical significance of matches using the Basic Local Alignment Tool (BLAST).
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://inb.bsc.es/wsdl/runNCBIBlastp.wsdl
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Compares a nucleotide sequence to a nucleotide sequence database and calculates the statistical significance of matches using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST).
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://inb.bsc.es/wsdl/runNCBIBlastn.wsdl
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Retrieves an entry from PDB database.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://inb.bsc.es/wsdl/getEntryFromPDB.wsdl
Some or all of the tests for this service did not succeed
- Could not access endpoint .
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Retrieves an aminoacid sequence from an aminoacid database.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://inb.bsc.es/wsdl/getAminoAcidSequence.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Overlapping from blast2gene.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/overlappingFromBL2G?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Retrieves all domain hierarchy codes from a pdb id.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/getCATHHierarchyCodesFromPDBID?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Returns a sequence from uniprot annotated with all its features.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/getFeatureAASequenceFromUniprot?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Compares a nucleotide query sequence translated in all reading frames against a protein sequence (used as a database) using the Basic Local Alignment Tool (BLAST).
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/runNCBIBlastx_2Seqs?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
It calculates the isoelectric point of a protein from its amino acid composition assuming that no electrostatic interactions change the propensity for ionization.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/runEmbossIepFromSequence?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Parse rules from a motif.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/parseRulesFromMotif?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Searches a HMM profile database (Pfam) with a query sequence. Use this if you are trying to annotate an unknown sequence.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/runHMMPfam?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
ClustalW multiple sequence alignments (full method).
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/runClustalwFull?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Creates a consensus from multiple alignments.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/runEmbossConsFromAlignment?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Returns the names or ids of a uniprot entry identified by the input accession.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/getUniprotIDsFromAccession?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Estimates phylogenies from protein sequences by unrooted parsimony.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/runPhylipProtpars?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Retrieves the PDB ids from the DR lines from a parameter structured as SWISSPROT file.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/parseSwissIntoPDBids?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Makes a pairwise global alingment using the Needleman-Wunsch global alignment algorithm.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/runEmbossNeedleFromSequences?wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 2 hours ago
Estimates phylogenies from distance matrix data using the Fitch-Margoliash method and some related least squares methods.
Provider: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformatica (INB) WSDL Location: http://www.inab.org/dproxy/inb.bsc.es/runPhylipFitch?wsdl