All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
GASSST finds global alignments of short DNA sequences against large DNA banks. GASSST strong point is its ability to perform fast gapped alignments. It works well for both short and longer reads. It currently has been tested for reads up to 500bp.
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/gassst.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
A_purva is a Contact Map Overlap maximization (CMO) solver. Given two protein structures represented by two contact maps, A_purva computes the amino-acid alignment which maximize the number of common contacts.
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/apurva.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
search a protein sequence against a protein database
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/phmmer.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
iteratively search a protein sequence against a protein database
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/jackhmmer.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
display summary statistics for a profile file
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/hmmstat.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
collect profile HMM score distributions on random sequences
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/hmmsim.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
search profile(s) against a sequence database
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/hmmsearch.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
search sequence(s) against a profile database
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/hmmscan.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
retrieve profile HMM(s) from a file
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/hmmfetch.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
sample sequence(s) from a profile HMM
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/hmmemit.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
hmmconvert: convert profile file to a HMMER format
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/hmmconvert.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
hmmbuild: profile HMM construction from multiple sequence alignments
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/hmmbuild.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
hmmalign: align sequences to a profile HMM
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/hmmalign.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
Blast service. See http://banks.genouest.org/BmajWatcher/ for the list of available banks.
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/Blast.wsdl
This service has been archived because it may not be active anymore (or is close to being non active).
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago
InterProScan usage: iprscan [-appl …] [-nocrc] [-seqtype p|n] [-trlen ] [-trtable
] [-iprlookup] [-goterms] -i [-o ] -i Your sequence file (mandatoryProvider:GenOuestWSDL Location:http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/InterProScan.wsdlPASSED
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 5 hours ago
Tuiuiu removes from a sequence or from a set of sequences areas as large as possible that do not contain researched repeats. Tuiuiu is used as a preliminary step before applying a multiple local aligner tool. OPTIONS: –excellent|–good : algorithm
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/Tuiuiu.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 5 hours ago
With this service you can search for Ensembl genes using external references (GenBank, PDB, …). You can also get the list of available external references sources for a given species. Finally, you can fetch external references for a given ensembl gene
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/Xref.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 5 hours ago
The Duplicated Genes Database contains a list a duplicated and co-located genes found in different genomes. This service allows to retrieve co-located similar genes corresponding to each Ensembl gene Id given as input.
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/DGD.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 5 hours ago
Logol is a language used to describe some patterns in a DNA/RNA/Protein sequence. It focuses on biological meaning patterns to help biologists and bio-informaticians formulate some patterns and create an appropriate model. LogolMatch will then scan a sequ
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/logol.wsdl
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 5 hours ago
ModuleOrganizer is a software package proposing a synthetic view of a set of DNA sequences by providing both a segmentation of them into domains and a classification on the basis of these domains. It indexes the maximal repeats in the sequences and assemb
Provider: GenOuest WSDL Location: http://webservices.genouest.org/typedservices/moduleorganizer.wsdl