Centre for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI)

Displaying all 5 services

wiws SOAP


All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 4 hours ago

WHAT IF is a versatile molecular modelling package that is specialized on working with proteins and the molecules in their environment like water, ligands, nucleic acids, etc.

Provider: Centre for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI) WSDL Location: http://wiws.cmbi.ru.nl/wsdl/

wiws SOAP

). WHAT IF is a versatile molecular modelling package that is specialized on working with proteins and the molecules in their environment like water, ligands, nucl

Provider: Centre for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI) WSDL Location: http://wiws.cmbi.ru.nl/wsdl

MRS Clustal W service SOAP
All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 6 hours ago

MRS Clustal W is a companion service to the text based MRS service. It is merely a wrapper around clustalw and it only allows short running multiple sequence alignment jobs since the running time is limited to 30 seconds.

Provider: Centre for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI) WSDL Location: http://mrs.cmbi.ru.nl/mrsws/clustal/wsdl

MRS Blast service SOAP

All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 6 hours ago

MRS Blast is a companion service for the text based MRS service. You can use it to blast against protein sequences stored in the databanks that were indexed using MRS. The blast search is performed asynchronously.

Provider: Centre for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI) WSDL Location: http://mrs.cmbi.ru.nl/mrsws/blast/wsdl

MRS Text Search and Sequence Retrieval SOAP

All tests were successful for this service
Last checked: today about 6 hours ago

MRS is a service that provides text search and retrieval services on many large databanks including UniProt and EMBL. The web service interface, which is also used by the web application at http://mrs.cmbi.ru.nl/ , offers all you need to search and access

Provider: Centre for Molecular and Biomolecular Informatics (CMBI) WSDL Location: http://mrs.cmbi.ru.nl/mrsws/search/wsdl